I love how Bryce says the funniest things sometimes when he isn't even trying to be funny.
He is learning about the human body and the five senses at school this month (it's part of his science unit - science at 4?). We are working on reinforcing what he is learning at school by asking questions, reading books, etc. At dinner tonight, as we are sitting around the table eating, I decided to ask him some questions about the five senses. Here is how the conversation went.
Me: Bryce, what sense are you using when you eat your mac and cheese?
Bryce: Taste....I love the taste of mac and cheese.
Bryan: And what sense do you use your eyes for?
Bryce: seeing things
Me: Yes! seeing things is the sense of sight. And how about your ears? What sense are they for?
Bryce: Um......holding up your glasses? They would fall off if you didn't have ears.
Gotta love it!!
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
23 hours ago