Thursday, August 30, 2007


I love it when I am surprised by unexpected things. Today my new blackberry arrived 2 days before it was supposed great is that!
Yesterday was also an "unexpected day". I am trying to work on training for my three day walk, which is 6 weeks away. I have decided to try to walk on Wed. at Stone Mtn. with a couple people from my team. Both women are a good bit older then me (one in her 50's and one in her 60's). Other then the fact that we are walking the 3 day we have really nothing else in common. So yesterday I arrived at the mountain 30 min. late. I had told them to get started so I knew I had to work at catching up to them...not that hard since they walk a great deal slower then my normal pace. It was raining, bordering on pouring, and I was thinking how crazy I was to be running in the rain to catch up to two women that I don't know all that well. I finally caught them (about 2 1/2 miles later) and was happy to settle into the slower pace. Ended up being the most enjoyable walk ever! They are both the most courageous, warm, funny, women I have probably ever met. I laughed harder then I think I have laughed in a long time. One has raised over 10K! How amazing is that. The other I call McGuiver. She is the most prepared person ever and will share everything she has without a second thought.
The three day has been the most amazing experience. I have had to challenge myself to complete task I never thought possible. But the most amazing thing so far has been the people. The one's that have given financially without hesitation, the ones that have shared stories with me and offered prayers and encouragement, and the ones that I now have the privilege of calling friends.
My last "unexpected" thing of the day. I have raised $2900! Never thought I would get above $2200. To all you out there that have helped I send out a big Thank You!!

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