Friday, April 20, 2007

What did he just say?

We were invited to a friends house for dinner tonight. Hanging out with friends, a nice dinner, and a good drink sounded great to me. I was telling Bryce that we were going to Mr. Brian and Ms. Kat's house for dinner and that Abby, Kate, and Emma would be there. He hollers YEAH!!!

He absolutely loves Emma. The feelings are mutual (she kept his hat safe for him when we left it at their house, not even letting her mom near it). And she is an older woman (she is five).

Ten minutes later he says "Mom, hurry up. My girlfriend is waiting for me at Mr. Brian's house". I was in complete shock. He actually said "my girlfriend". Now I know that he really has absolutely no idea what that means and it's no big deal. But it made me remember how quickly he is growing up. Which is way too fast. So tonight I made sure to read a really long goodnight book. And we snuggled extra close and for a little longer then usual. One day girlfriends will be a real thing in our world. But not today. Today he is still my baby.


Anonymous said...

I must say that I really enjoy reading your posts. I love hearing about all that you are bryce and Callie are doing .
You also are a great writer.

Hope you can bring then children to Bonita this summer.
Love you forever,
Aunt Rain

lauren said...

maybe you should give him the birds and the bees talk sooner rather then later.