Sunday, September 30, 2007

What are ears for?

I love how Bryce says the funniest things sometimes when he isn't even trying to be funny.

He is learning about the human body and the five senses at school this month (it's part of his science unit - science at 4?). We are working on reinforcing what he is learning at school by asking questions, reading books, etc. At dinner tonight, as we are sitting around the table eating, I decided to ask him some questions about the five senses. Here is how the conversation went.

Me: Bryce, what sense are you using when you eat your mac and cheese?
Bryce: Taste....I love the taste of mac and cheese.
Bryan: And what sense do you use your eyes for?
Bryce: seeing things
Me: Yes! seeing things is the sense of sight. And how about your ears? What sense are they for?
Bryce: Um......holding up your glasses? They would fall off if you didn't have ears.

Gotta love it!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Christmas in September?

I love's actually my favorite holiday. But there are two things about Christmas that are driving me crazy.
1) Yesterday while exchanging something at Toys r Us we had a run in with a wanta be Santa. He did look like Santa...white beard and mustache, bright red cheeks (he was a little bit on the skinny side). But what is so creepy is that he kept referring to himself as Santa. He asked Bryce if he was being a good boy and if he was picking out toys he wanted. He smiled at Callie and asked her is she wanted a baby doll for Christmas. And he just wouldn't stop. He asked Bryce is he wanted to visit the north pole, he joked that he left the reindeer at home today and was driving Mrs. Claus's car, and he even asked the sales rep if she wanted his north pole phone number (and he did give it too her ..... 111-111-1111). Creepy right? I get look like Santa Claus. Go back to the North Pole until December.
2) What the hell is up with Christmas decorations in stores? Did someone decide to skip Halloween and Thanksgiving this year and jump straight to Christmas? I love fall. I love Halloween and Thanksgiving. What happened to pumpkins and Turkeys? Walmart had just as much stuff out for Christmas as they did for Halloween!!! Did someone not pay attention in elementary school to the order of the holidays? Christmas decorations belong in boxes and closets until after Thanksgiving.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Girls like football too!

I had an unexpected girls night out this evening. One of my friends called and asked if I wanted to go with her to the Falcons game. She was given 2 tickets to the game and her husband didn't want to go. So we left the boys at home with the kids and headed out to a football game. We had a blast. We both actually like football (even though I prefer college to pro). After the second round of beers we were yelling and booing with the die hard fans. We also found the fact that we were at the game and the guys were home putting kids to bed hysterically funny. We left early in hopes of getting to sit down on MARTA and stopped for a quick dinner on the way home. It was a great girls night out and just what I was needing.

She also brought me a coozy from her recent trip to Florida. She saw them in a store and had to get them for her close girlfriends. I think they are hysterical.
The pic to the left shows what it says
We have decided that we are going to have monthly S.L.U.T.S parties. What a great girls night. I have really come to realize lately how valuable true girlfriends are. Especially the one's that have been through both good and bad times. They always have the knack of knowing just the right thing to say...or not to say. It's nice knowing that no matter how stressful life gets (and mine is pretty stressful right now) they will be there.
If you like the coozy and want one of your own let me can order them online. And if you want to join us for our monthly S.L.U.T.S party give me a call. The more S.L.U.T.S. the merrier!!! (Isn't it funny how tequila makes everything seem funnier then it really is!)
And I am happy to report that the kids were both fed, bathed, and in bed when I got home. What a great end to a fun evening.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

High Tech Kids

Kids today are growing up in such a different world then the one I grew up in. I remember getting our first Atari. We thought it was sooooo amazing. Kids today would laugh. It cracks me up when we are at any type of group event. Once we finish taking pictures of the kids they all come running over screaming "I want to see the picture". Bryce has a fit if I bring my 35mm camera. They can watch movies anytime they want....even in the car. I take my ipod with me everywhere we go and will put on one of Bryce movies and let him watch it if we are stuck somewhere waiting. He has been playing computer games and has his own "video game" system by leap frog. it's crazy!!! Not to be outdone by her brother, Callie decided today to steal her own ipod from her uncle Jason. Here are some pics.

Here she is checking out her itunes library and getting ready to sync her shuffle

And here she is again hanging out with uncle Jay and jamming out to the new music she just stole, I mean downloaded, from limewire Four year olds are so grown up these days. Bryce spends at least an hour each day IMing his friends......just kidding!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Conversations with a four year old

Me: Bryce, stopping getting out of your chair while you eat your breakfast
Bryce: Okay
2 min. later...
Me: Bryce, I said stop getting out of your chair. Please sit down and eat your waffles
Bryce: okay mommy. I'm sorry
2 min. later...
Me: Bryce..Sit Down!
Bryce: but mommy...
Me: No buts, sit down and eat
2 min later...
Me: Bryce, sit down and if you get up again you are going to have to sit in time out.
Bryce: But mommy, I can't help it. Waffles make me dance.

If you can come up with a good come back to that please let me know.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

School brings....

The beginning of the school year always brings new things. New friends, new clothes, new teachers, etc. It can also bring other things.
Roseola - an acute disease of infants and young children that is characterized by high fever followed by a rash that appears on trunk, limbs, neck and face. This is what the new school year has brought Callie....and after only 3 days of school. I am happy to report that she is feeling much better and back at school today. Crying, but back at school. I am expecting a call any moment now from the director asking me to come back and get her. Such a mommies girl!
The new school year has also brought more responsibility for me. Once again I am Bryce's room mom. I get suckered in after no one else volunteers and I know that the teacher really needs someone to step up. Luckily his teacher is very low key. I have also been asked to represent the parents on the community outreach board. The school tries to do small things to let the kids get a sense of helping their community. There are 3 members on the board, 2 from the church and one parent. Guess who the parent is this year? ME!
Even though the added responsibility makes my life a little more crazy, I am happy to do it. I guess I get it from my dad. He was PTA president when I was in elementary school!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

18 miles down, a lot more to go!

I walked 18 miles today! A group from my 3 Day team met at Stone Mtn. this morning to do our 18 mile training walk. We had so much fun! I am happy to report that I feel great and did not get one blister (thanks to a great concoction one of the girls made. Smear it on your feet every 5-10 miles and it really helps). When I signed up for the 3 Day the thought of walking 18 miles in a day was frightening. It sounded impossible. But it wasn't scary and it was possible. Thanks to a great group of women that encouraged and supported each other the entire way. 4 more weeks before the big weekend and I can't wait! Here are some pics from today. Can you tell by the second picture that the group is full of comedians. It's a lot easier to walk 18 miles when you are laughing most of the way!!

This is about 1/2 of my team. Can you tell that we all got up around 4am?

This picture cracks me up. A lot of the women carry platypus bottles that have long hoses (used like a straw) that you clip to you. Barbara clipped both of hers right to the front of her shirt. Kimberly and Karen thought it was funny to act like they were "nursing". The policemen at Stone Mtn. found it funny as well.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

one step at a time

Last night Callie took her first step! She was whining and crying...just not feeling good and not knowing what she wanted. Bryan was sitting on one couch and I was on the other. She kept walking to the end of the couch crying while looking at the other and then dropping down and crawling. I guess she got tired of it because on what seemed like the 10th time she got to the end of the couch (the one Bryan was sitting on) looked over at me and sort of threw herself forward, took a step, and then caught herself on the other couch. She was so surprised and excited that she smiled up at me and then turned around and smiled and clapped at Bryan. It was the cutest thing ever. So proud of herself!! And we were just as proud. I'll keep you posted on her progress.
And she is still sick today. When I dropped Bryce off at school this morning he told them "Callie is sick so she can't come today. I'm fine so I can stay". Here's to hoping that no one else gets sick in our house!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Callie has been under the weather lately. She has been really fussy and been waking up at night crying. Definitely not herself. Today after I picked her up from school I realized she was really hot. And no wonder, she had a fever of 102.5. So I took her into the doctor to make sure it wasn't an ear infection (which is usually the case). No ear infection, just a virus. Bryce was a great big brother. When they pricked her toe for a blood sample Bryce told her she was being very brave. He kissed her on the forehead and said "it's all over Callie. Don't cry. You are really brave". I almost cried he was so sweet.
Wish us luck. I'm sure we will be up again this evening with Little Miss "not feeling too sunny today".

Friday, September 7, 2007

Fall in the south

I love the south. Even though I was born up north I feel more like a southerner than a yankee. I love the dogwoods and magnolias. I love driving in south Ga and seeing field after field of cotton. I love hearing yes ma'am and y'all. And I love southern food...couldn't live without grits. But one thing you really learn to love when you live in the south is SEC football. Every weekend revolves around it. When I mentioned doing the 3 day walk the first question I got asked was what weekend is it because we have to check the Auburn schedule. I love the friendly "trash talk" that goes on between fans of different schools. When Bryce was 2 his preschool teacher wrote "go Dawgs" on his face (they had face painting at school that day) because she knew I was an Auburn fan. At Bryan's softball game today he told his teammate they lost because he had on a Tennessee visor. It's all in fun (or at least it is until the day that your two schools play each other).

So for the next several months I will spend many Saturdays sitting in front of a TV screaming my head off. And maybe, just maybe, I will get to bring Bryce to his first college football game. I know Uncle Jason can't wait to take him to Toomer's corner after a big win and watch his eyes light up with the experience. When you grow up in the south, you might as well learn to love it as early as possible.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

WHAAAAA!!! (translation: i want my mommy!)

Callie cried again today. So much that they called me to come and pick her up early. Poor little girl! She was clinging to her stuffed monkey with huge tears streaming down her cheeks. It broke my heart!!
Bryce is loving school. No tears this year. I was happy to learn today that some things I tell him do sink in. His teacher told me that he told Alexander (his arch enemy from last year), "my mommy says we can't hit each other this year". Alexander responded "okay" and then they played together all afternoon. That morning we had a "talk" about getting along with Alexander and keeping his hands to himself. Score one for mom.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

hi ho, hi ho, it's off to school we go

Today was the first day of Preschool for Bryce and Callie (Bryce is going 5 days a week to Pre-K and Callie is going 2 days a week to a MMO class). We got up extra early, picked out their "first day" outfits, had a good breakfast, and headed to school. Bryce told me on the way that he was "a little nervous" (when did he learn that word?) and that he was going to be shy. We dropped Callie off at her class first and then went upstairs to the "big kid" floor to drop off Bryce. He had a little separation anxiety and did not want me to leave. But he ended up being fine!! He had a blast and is looking forward to tomorrow. Callie didn't have as much fun. The teacher said she cried on and off the entire morning. The only time she calmed down was during snack time (surprise, surprise!!). All in all it was a great start to the school year. Below are pics of Bryce and Callie from today.

too cool for school. Hard to believe that he's already in 4 yr pre-k

little miss sunshine on her first day of school. She's even cute after crying for 3 hrs!