Tuesday, December 4, 2007

i love parades

This is what Bryce has been saying since Saturday. He was in the Lilburn Christmas parade with his preschool. He rode on a trailer and got to dress up like a Shepard...he even had a stuffed sheep. We were worried that he wouldn't participate but he jumped right in and had a blast! Callie loved watching the parade! She wanted to be held until Bryce arrived (he was at the beginning so he was able to come and watch the end of the parade with us). She stood right next to him and waved and waved. One of my favorite pics is the one of her holding onto his sweater and waving (of course it is black and white). She even plopped herself down on the pavement, ate her sugar cookie, and watched everyone walk by.
Later on that day we hung out at Nana and pops and I got to play around with my camera. Let me know what you think. I really love the one's of Callie and my mom with the sun coming thru the trees. Can you tell that Callie is my favorite subject? Bryce is not up to having his picture taken, but Callie doesn't mind at all!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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