Sunday, December 14, 2008

cookies and falling soldiers

Yesterday was annual cookie baking day. My mom and I take one day before Christmas to bake lots and lots of Christmas cookies. This year we made 5 different kinds and about 22 dozen....that's a lot of cookies! It is one of the things I look forward to each year. I love spending the day with my mom amongst the smell of baking cookies. We always burn at least one cookie sheet and we always eat way to many cookies. The kids got in on the action and helped out a little. Bryce had more fun "cleaning the beater" then actually helping bake the cookies. I had to finally put my foot down with "your going to get a tummy ache". Sometimes I chuckle to myself after saying those types of "mom" sayings. I still can remember my mom saying the same thing to me.
We, or should I say Bryce, also had a run in with a toy soldier yesterday. He decided to try and put something in his stocking and pulled the holder off of the mantle and on to his forehead. Some ice, a phone call to childrens healthcare of Atlanta, and lots of TLC later he seemed to be ok. I promptly removed the weapons (aka stocking holders) from the mantle. Guess I'm going to figure out a different way to hang them from now on.

My favorite "dishwasher"

The scene of the crime

Evidence of the crime... I think it was the toy soldier with the stocking holder in the family room (cheesy, I know but Clue is one of my all time favorite movies)

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