Tuesday, December 2, 2008

santa conversation

Here is a snip from my conversation with Bryce on the way to school.

Bryce: Mom, I am a little confused about Santa
Me: What are you confused about?
Bryce: Well, there are 2 Santa's at the mall. We also saw a really skinny Santa on tv and a black Santa. Which one is the real one and why are the other one's saying they are Santa?
Me: Well (long pause to try to get a decent answer together)...Santa is really,really, busy right now and he can't be everywhere at the same time so he has friends that help him out. They are Santa's helpers. Like the elves we saw in the Santa movie.
Bryce: So the friends dress up like Santa and tell everyone they are Santa but they really aren't? Isn't that lying?
Me: Well.....kind of but they are trying to help.
Bryce: Mommy, it's not nice to lie. You told me if I lie that Santa won't bring me any presents. I guess the fake Santa's won't have any presents this year.

He's only 5! Nothing seems to go over this child's head!

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