Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tis the Season...

Tis the season for all things Christmas. The season has set in and we have begun all of the fun things that go along with it. I do feel like we are dragging a bit this year and who knows why....2 kids under 5, 3 jobs (me 1 and Bryan 2), 2 hours of commuting daily, housework, laundry, and the list could go on! This weekend we went to a Christmas parade with friends, picked out a tree, and got the lights on the house. Monday we decorated the tree. It was so much fun. We turned on Christmas music, danced around, and hung all of the ornaments. Afterwards Bryan and I got to cuddle up on the couch while the kids ran around screaming how pretty the tree was. We even got them to sing some Christmas songs for us. The rest of the house needs to be decorated but at least the boxes are out of the attic! I am feeling the strain of the holiday season but am trying to push it aside and just enjoy it. It helps that the kids are so excited. Every evening on the way home they ohh and ahh whenever we pass Christmas lights....makes for a much more enjoyable ride! Tomorrow is their school xmas program and they are both in it. I'll be sure to post a video tmrw!

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