Tuesday, June 3, 2008

favorite conversations

Here are two examples why living with kids will keep you laughing:

This is a conversation that happened while riding in the car with Mary Glenn, Cody, Bryce and Callie:

Mary Glenn: Cody! Please stop shouting in the car. We are all right here and we can hear you just fine. Stop yelling in my ear.
Cody: But Mommy, Bryce can't hear me. I need to talk loud for him.
Mary Glenn: Cody....Bryce can hear you just fine and....
Bryce (interrupting Mary Glenn): What did you say Cody? I couldn't hear you!
Cody: See...I told you mommy.
Nothing like getting Tag Teamed by four year olds.

This is from today. Bryce got into trouble and was sitting in time out.

Bryce: I am so mad at you mommy. You are a bad mommy
Callie: no bad mommy. bad Bryce.
She is learning early that girls have to stick together!!!

1 comment:

lauren said...

hahaha I love it!
can't wait to see them in 2 weeks!