Saturday, September 20, 2008

bring on the colds

In our house you know it's fall when the runny noses start. I had been hoping all week, call it wishful thinking, that the slight drip from Callie's nose would be only that. Maybe caused from her molars coming in. No such luck. We woke up this morning to everyone (Except Bryan) having full on colds. No fun.
I had also been praying that Callie's colds would be only that this year, and not turn into chest congestion, pneumonia, etc. Last May the doctor finally diagnosed her with RAD (Reactive airway disease). They think that the bronchiolitis she had as an infant had "hung on". New research shows that it can take 2 years for the virus to leave their systems. So, the doctor thought that maybe she would outgrow it over the summer. I was keeping my fingers crossed too. In May they finally decided that the albuterol was not enough and we would have to do pulmicort too (an inhaled steroid). I'm not to up on giving my 2 year old steroids. Don't get me wrong, I want her to be able to breathe (kind of important), I just don't like medicating her for 3 months after the symptoms end (per doctor). Anyway, all week I have been waiting for the wheezing, coughing to start and it didn't....until this morning! So we are back on the neb and the steroids and hoping that it clears up by itself and we don't have to make any trips to the doctor. And at least Callie tolerates it pretty well. She pretty much just sits there with the mask on her face without complaining. Big thing seeing it takes about 20 minutes to do a treatment.

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