Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bryce's letter to McCain

Bryan and I both got to vote yesterday. I stood in line for about 1 1/2 hrs and he waited a little under an hour. It was amazing to see so many people out voting. We then sat up last night and watched the results. No matter who you voted for you can not deny that it was a milestone in American history.
So this morning I decided to chat with Bryce about the results. We have been talking about the candidates and he was aware that yesterday was the day to vote (I brought home a sticker for both of the kids). Well, I informed Bryce that Obama had won. Here is the conversation that followed:
Bryce: So who lost? McCain?
Me: Yes, McCain lost.
Bryce: you think he is sad?
Me: Probably. It's not fun losing
Bryce: Well maybe I can make him a card. Could you mail it to him?
Me: Yes, I guess we could mail him a card. What would you like it to say?
Bryce: I'm sorry you lost. But I don't really care becuase I'm only five.

1 comment:

The Evans' said...

Chandler was happy because McCain won Georgia! He said, "Well, he won Georgia - doesn't that count??". Then I had to explain electoral votes to a 7-yr-old - fun!