Monday, November 24, 2008


I learn things from my kids everyday. As a parent, you go into it thinking you are going to teach them so much. and then real life happens and you realize that they are the real teachers. I have started making an effort to think about what they have taught me that day every night before I fall asleep. Here is a brief list of things (both sweet, serious, and funny) that I have learned over the last week.

No matter how good of an idea it seems, and no matter how many coupons you have for free jr. Frostys, it is not a good idea to let kids eat them in the car. There is no amount of napkins that can clean up the mess. trust me.

It is good to thank God for all things... Food, cars, wii games, friends, puppies, hair, bath soap, chairs, leaves, trees, etc. I have come to realize that I skip the little daily items and only focus on the big things. I think God likes to hear that we notice everything around us.

Kids are drawn to the kitchen whenever you are preparing food. When you are trying to make something extra special they are not only drawn into the kitchen but they will arrive in full tantrum mode.

The gold leaves are the prettiest in the fall. They look like butterflies fluttering to the ground.

Kids will say the most embarrassing things when in a crowd and in the loudest voice possible. Case in point.....Callie yelling "you have big boobs" while shopping at Kohl's.

Life is the sweetest when you are surrounded by your family.

1 comment:

The Evans' said...

I laughed out loud at "you have big boobs" - Chandler once went into the Publix check-out line singing, "Man, I feel like a Woman" by Shania Twain!!! Too funny...