Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bryce's 25 random things

I thought it might be fun to do a 25 random things about both kids. So much of my day is focused on just getting though the daily schedule and keeping the kids from driving me and each other crazy. Both of my kids are wonderful, amazing people in their own unique way. I thought it might be fun to focus on the little things that make them their own person. So....I will start with Bryce.
1. He sleeps with 2 animals every night. An elephant that he uses as a pillow and a monkey that he cuddles with.
2. He is the best helper ever. He will pick up, load the dishwasher, etc. and with little grumbling.
3. He tells me I am beautiful at least 2 times a day.
4. He hates pizza. and ketchup. and chocolate cake....he is the pickiest eater ever!
5. He loves to play rough and can dish it out but has a hard time when kids get rough back.
6. His current favorite song is "hot and cold" by Katy Perry. Sings it at the top of his lungs anytime it comes on the radio.
7. The boy makes friends quickly and he loves it. Wherever we go he will come over after about 5 min. and say mommy, this is my new friend. And they will proceed to play like they have known each other forever.
8. He remembers everything. Except for anything that has to do with school.
9. Almost always has really good manners.
10. He hates to get water in is eyes. Will scream like he is being attacked if even a drop gets in them.
11. Loves peanut butter sandwiches cut into circles. For some reason the shape is very important.
12. Calls oatmeal, ohh - pee- meal. The last of his "baby speak" and I love it!
13. Has a scar by his right eye and a freckle on his left ear.
14. Absolutely hates loud noises. Even movie theaters are too loud. He sits with his hands on his ears for at least half of the movie.
15. Has the most beautiful blue eyes and long lashes
16. Loves to be silly and makes really funny faces
17. He is not a morning person. It is a huge chore getting him up in the morning.
18. He is a sweetheart. And I'm not just saying that because I am his mom. Most everyone tells me this after knowing him for just a short amount of time.
19. Wants to learn to ride motorcycles but is held back by the loud noise thing
20. Is a complete mamma's boy. Has a whole routine of hugs and kisses before school everyday. His teachers laugh about it and even gave him the Indian name "boy that loves his mamma"
21. Loves to stay home in his pajamas all day. Will we have school? Can I stay in my pajama's all day? and will squeal with delight when I tell him okay.
22. Is the best frog catcher I have ever seen. He will spend hours at my parents house catching them.
23. He is a scardy cat when it comes to tv and movies. Won't even watch some Disney movies because he claims they are scary.
24. Can roll his tongue. This amazes me because I can not.
25. Hates to get into trouble but yet is a troublemaker. Weird combination.

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