Sunday, December 30, 2007

What a stinker

Callie is turning into quite the stinker lately. Her personality is really starting to come out. She LOVES her big brother and tries to do anything he is doing. Her new favorite things are climbing up the back of the couch onto the other side of the stairs and standing on the kiddie table and flipping the lights off and on. When you tell her NO she looks at you, smiles, laughs, and then screams as you try to remove her from the dangerous situation. She also loves to get anything she is not supposed to have. She will walk over to me, show me she has it, and then turn and try to run away while laughing. Such a stinker. Bryce taught her to stick her tongue out so I thought I'd share a picture. however, she turns her tongue up instead of sticking it straight out...too cute!

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